Welcome to the page of the Mathematical Physics group of CAPA

Our research topics gravitate around the mathematical properties of General Relativity, Quantum Mechanics and Quantum Field Theories and how these can affect several relevant physical systems. In the menu above you can navigate around and see a brief sketch of our research topics, who we are, the publications of the group since 2023, and some details about the different grants funding our research activities.
- José Luis Alonso (emeritus Professor of Theoretical Physics, University of Zaragoza)
- José F. Cariñena (emeritus Professor of Theoretical Physics, University of Zaragoza)
- Giuseppe Marmo (emeritus Professor of Theoretical Physics, University of Naples Federico II, Naples (Italy))
- Filiberto Ares (Postdoc researcher at SISSA, Trieste (Italy))
- Paolo Facchi (Full Professor of Physics, University of Bari (Italy))
- Alberto Ibort (Full Professor of Applied Mathematics, University Carlos III Madrid (Spain))
- José María Muñoz-Castañeda (Associate Professor of Theoretical Physics, University of Valladolid (Spain))
- Saverio Pascazio (Full Professor of Theoretical Physics, University of Bari (Italy))
- Ilya Shapiro(Full Professor of Theoretical Physics, Federal University of Juiz de Fora (Brasil))
- Cesare Tronci (Associate Professor of Mathematics, University of Surrey (UK))